The people of New City parted as she entered the town. Her Rabbit-Eared followers clung to her side as if they were her own sisters. I had carried her to the city reaches as the children hummed and their humming healed her wounds. As the Boy Scout Soldiers called out from the parapets, Our Angel stood. Her wings were spread wide and the young boys put down their sonic rifles and saluted her.
Silence swept the crowd that had been weeping only days before when I left them to retrieve Puella's body. Coughs were stifled. Amazement was held in check by quiet disbelief. Even babies hushed their fussing because all among us, even the smallest, were aware of the magic in this moment, for Our Angel was an angel after all and not Rabbit Soldiers or Human Councils could declare otherwise. And then, she spoke--her voice like a song sung only in Heaven.
"We are not part of the past.
We are part of now. We are something new. We are beautiful.
We are together."
The Rabbit Girls tossed flowers on the ground and I stood with them. The tired and hungry shed their shadowy gloom and rejoiced and the dreary city brightened with the light of a thousand stars all shining at once. We were human and we were one with an angel to guide us. I, an apostle of the remaining settlement, joined hands with the girl the Rabbit-Eared Children called their leader, Bianca. We were made the first apostles of our New Society.
- The Apostle Thomas Erdan
(Tune in next Story Time Tuesday for the next installment)
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