Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thinking in Different Pictures

I love writing in all different styles and for all ages. I honestly don't know how some writers stay with one type of book. I would get bored, which probably my own flaw. With each different type of book, I get to tell a different kind of story in a new way. I've always found switching back and forth to different formats is a nice change of pace.

Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a script format for only the second time in my life. Along with a friend of mine, we've been working up a story for a movie aimed at 7-12 year olds. That alone has been a nice change of pace to develop a story step-by-step with someone else. But now we're in the actual writing stage and I'm getting to play around with the format like a kid with a new toy.

I've always thought-out my novels in terms of 'scenes' and used that as a way of pacing the story. So the thinking hasn't been much different. The actual writing however is so different. In a way, it's like writing a detailed outline but with all the dialogue in place. This is where writing chapter books came in handy because I tend to use a dialogue heavy style in that genre. All in all, it's been challenging but a blast. Oh, and the story is pretty awesome, I must admit.

(The image above is the sketch I made when first thinking about the movie idea, about a year ago.)

1 comment:

  1. Going by the sketch it looks like it will be really interesting.
