Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Research is for the Rabbits

So I thought I'd continue with reviewing the books I'm reading as way of research for my new children's chapter book series. (I'm wondering if you a pattern developing)

Stone Rabbit #1: B.C. Mambo

This graphic novel for younger kids follows a rabbit that discovers a portal in his bathroom. There he meets an primitive rabbit culture, fights dinosaurs, and battles and the world's first evil entrepreneur. Oh, and there's an incident with BBQ sauce. I loved the style of the book, nice bold lines reminiscent of the Powerpuff Girls. I thought the story could have been a little tighter, especially for the age group. It was too much like the wave of manic cartoons that have been dominating the toon networks over the past few years. It's the trend, so I understand why it's employed here, but I've always believed a book can and should provide a little more than that. I think a little more development of the main character would've gone a long way to fix that.

I'll give it 3 carrots out of 5. But again, 8yo boy in me would give it higher, but he wouldn't have actually read the words, just looked at the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Brian! Your blog was cool. Thanks, Brian I really like your book, and you just make me very very very very happy!
