Saturday, October 3, 2020

Mystery Theater


I had no interest when this film came out last winter. It looked to me like it would be such a predictable Hollywood film with a large cast and easy to market one-liners that make previews that felt safe and unoffensive. Then it continued to be well-liked and receive awards, and then POOF a pandemic and I forgot all about it. When I came it across it at the library recently, I thought, let's see if this is any good and brought it home.

So, yeah, it's enjoyable. It's hard to enjoy it. It's fun, clever, and just enough on this side of Royal Tenenbaums to make it quality entertainment. I loved the old style mystery, and the way it paid homage to old mysteries, but actually was able to do it with a great old style mystery story. It played on a genre, while still adhering the qualities that made the genre worthy of homage.

But let's focus for a second on Daniel Craig and the unnecessary Southern accent. I mean, he's British, and what is more old-time clue sleuth than a fucking British accent? The movie even mentions Sherlock Holmes! I'm mean, are there no story editors anymore?

We'll forgive that, but the funny thing is, it made me think of how I'd recast this movie...something I rarely do. But here it goes...

* If you want a Southern detective, give me John Goodman circa O'Brother

* I love Don Johnson, and loved him in this, but I couldn't help feeling like I could've used some Kevin Russell in this flick.

* Give me Kieran Culkin as Ransom

All the other cast can stay, and you could even keep Don, but I could've used a guest appearance by Steve Buscemi as a grounds keeper.

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