Friday, September 13, 2019

Fiction Friday (89)

The YA binge continues as I'm now two thirds done my required reading for the October conference that I'm attending. This book belonged in the grouping about trust and is a book that has been hugely successful the past few years. Very much a page-turner that I breezed through.

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus
(Delacorte Press, 2017)

Everyone has secrets, but are their secrets worth killing for? When Simon, the self-proclaimed King of Gossip at Bayview High School is murdered, everyone in the room with him becomes a suspect.

As Simon was on the verge of posting their deepest hidden secrets, all four kids have motive: Bronwyn, the brain; Nate, the drug dealer; Addy, the homecoming queen; and Cooper, the All-American baseball star. At first, all are unlikely suspects, but as their secrets are slowly and carefully revealed to both the reader and the other characters, each becomes more suspicious.

It's no wonder this exceptionally well-crafted mystery has been so popular since it was published. It's also no wonder that it's currently in development for a TV series on Netflix. It's a gripping, page-turning story that is fairly irresistible. All of the characters are compelling, show growth, and feel very real. To make it all better, there's a surprise twist at the end, the kind of surprise twist that is believable (mostly).

* Spoiler Alert: Stop reading below if you haven't read the book and are planning to do so:

So, I liked the ending, but I have to say, I'm not sure I'm convinced Jake would be able to fake his relationship with Addy while he and Simon planned this. I mean, he must have known for weeks. AND, if he was able to fake it, he never would have then been able to express the level of anger when he supposedly found out from Addy. And then to keep all of this going for so long...I mean, sure, it's possible someone could be so possessive, but if that's Jake, I just think there needed to be more shown than simply asking her to change her clothes for a party.

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