Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Game of Thrones...The End is Coming

The final season of one of the best television shows ever to air is now only three episodes from completion. Halfway through this short season seems like a good time to reflect on what is possibly to come. I will try not to reveal anything critical, but to be safe, if you have not caught up *STOP READING NOW*....

This season was always going to be about two things, the war against the army of the dead and the battle for the Iron Throne. I think wisely, the producers decided to split those two storylines. I've read many fans complaining about how they chose to end the first of those two storylines. There's been a lot of.."that's it? it just ends?" and I'm like, "well yeah...that's what stories do. They end." The first three episodes did more than just end one of the two storylines though, they have moved the pieces into place for the second of the two. 

The lines have been drawn and the characters have chosen their sides. Of course, they are free to switch allegiances, as many have done throughout, but for the most part, we know where they stand after 8 seasons. It also deepened some of the bigger mythologies of the show, the place of the gods, the prophecies, and hinted at character destiny. 

I still hold true to what I said on a post dating back to Season 3 or thereabouts, and that is Ayra Stark is really the center of the story. I would venture to say that many of the viewers share her thoughts on pretty much everything that has taken place. She represents our point of view and has always seemed the most sensible character, one who has rarely made a choice that has made us shake our heads, unlike all of the others, with the exception of Tyrion. So when all the bets are being placed, I would bet on those two to still be around when the dust settles. Everyone else is up for grabs.

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