Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Fragility of Time

We got some tough news this past week...Mr. Mowgli Rockefeller BoJangles Major Tom Hotpants (aka Sir Captain Hopscotch), our loving catman, hasn't been quite himself of late. He's an older cat, and he had grown less active and less hungry over the summer. After being diagnosed with a thyroid condition and given medication, he improved slightly. But last week, things got more dramatic. He started eating less and less, and was getting thinner and thinner. He was sleeping in a closet, or under a chair where he's never slept before, and wasn't seeking our affection. 

When we took him to the vet, they ran some tests, which all came back negative. Then they did a chest x-ray...and that's when we got the bad news. A tumor occupies a good portion of his one lung, and it has been taking most of his energy to breathe, which is why he wasn't eating. There is nothing they can really do. They gave him a steroid shot...which has brought him back to his old self, or at least as close to it as he's been all summer. But it's just a matter of time at this point. 

After a lot of crying came the acceptance that this is the long goodbye. With the time we have left, I'm going to do my best to give him all the attention I can and shower him with the same intense love he's always showed us. In some ways the long goodbye is better, but in some ways it's harder. 

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