A few weekends ago, I spent the days in Philly helping the missus at her booth for the ArtStar Craft Bizarre--a two day event featuring over a hundred vendors of materials ranging from clothes to pottery to artwork to toys, mostly all handmade and all original. In a world where the same junk is sold on the streets of NYC as in the shops of Dubai, there's very little to get excited about. It's the same crap everywhere. That's what I love about these kind of places. You can find some really unique things. I thought I'd share some of my favorites from the events.
Horrible Adorables: These creations were amazing. Felted stuffed animal heads mounted on plaques. There was a fox that was incredible. Check out her stuff online here. (Postcard at the top of the page).

Marlo the Loyal Dog: These were great prints and postcards featuring a really great looking dog in really striking places. Check out the website here, there's a new Marlo comic on the blog every week.
Miss Millie Porcelain Wares and Wearables: This is some of my favorite stuff ever. I already have one of the porcelain heads, a bowl and a vase. I still need a mug. Check out this amazing stuff at her etsy store here.
Kerri Conrad: Some really interesting fine arts pieces. I really enjoyed the style of the line drawings and how they worked with the more fantastical mixed media set pieces. Check out her site here.
Phil Barbato: I've always been a stuffed animal nut ever since I was a kid and these might be some of most original I've seen in years. These monsters are really appealing, clever, but yet remain cute (Kids were gobbling these up at the fair). Check them out here.

Meerwiibli - Saving the best for last, my wife's stunning handmade clothing. Check all her creations here.
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