Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Story Continues...

It's been some time since I've posted about writing, but I've actually been making real progress on the latest manuscript that I've been working on for nearly a year. I'm currently writing a chapter that I feel is the clear half-way point in the story and as I write it, so much of the story is becoming clearer. Anyone who has ever written a novel knows the joy of that feeling. 

I've always found that story creation contains many phases. There is the initial inspiration where the buds of the story sprout. In that early stage, there is so much excitement as to the possibilities that may arise from the idea you've committed to. There is a first burst of pages that seem to spew out, but after a bit you find yourself in the mire of the story. You're doing a lot of technical work, a lot of map reading trying to figure out where the hell you're going.

For me, I find that by the end of the first third of a story, I'm muddling around a little. I've introduced the elements that will come into play. I've started to weave them together. But then there is that moment where you have to make real choices in order to provide direction. You have to take the lose threads you've left dangling and tie them together And just when it begins to feel hopeless, the clouds least, if you're lucky they do.

The clouds have began to part in my story and the view is clear. It will get muddy again, but for now, I will plow ahead into the daylight.

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