Friday, December 6, 2019

Watching the Watchmen

From the first trailers which aired before Game of Thrones last season, I've been pretty excited about HBO's attempt at making a Watchmen television series. Like most fans of the original comic, I was hugely disappointed in the movie several years back, partially because there is no way to tell that story in a two hour movie.

I started watching this show a few weeks ago, but wanted to wait until I'd seen at least three episodes before writing about it, and I'm glad I did, because episode 3 really pulled together what had been going on and gave glimpses of the direction the show is going. 

One thing I'm thrilled about is how they decided not to simply redo the movie, or bring the comic to life, but to expand on the universe and simply use it as a springboard for telling a new story, one that feels incredibly relevant to our society today.

So far, this show is incredibly compelling. The acting is top notch, the sets and costumes are amazing, and most importantly, the story is engrossing. 

Something big here is happening...more to come.

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