I know I've been promising to have a giveaway contest for a Advance Reader's Copy of my upcoming book Life is But a Dream and I'm happy to announce the contest is now up on Goodreads. If you're not a member yet, and you're a book fan, then this is the time to sign up. It's one of my favorite sites, offering reader's a forum to express their thoughts without the burden of selling as on Amazon. You can enter the contest HERE.
I'm also planning some author events on the west coast for April and will be filling you all in on those details as soon as I have them. I'm really excited about this book and all the positive feedback that has been coming in over the past month. I hope all of you will be just as excited when and if you have the chance to read it.
I'm also planning some author events on the west coast for April and will be filling you all in on those details as soon as I have them. I'm really excited about this book and all the positive feedback that has been coming in over the past month. I hope all of you will be just as excited when and if you have the chance to read it.
I am so excited!!