Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cape Cod Getaway

I spent last week on Cape Cod with my missus, her parents, and the little one. Having never been there before, I found it to be a kind of magical place. We spend most of our time on the bay side beaches, which were incredibly affected by the tide, so that at low tide, you could walk out forever. It was very calming and got to spend a lot of time with my three-year old. She was such a little explorer on the beach and I'm constantly in awe of her wide-eyed curiosity and imagination. 

One day on the beach, I decided to tell her a story that I made up as I went along. A story about an underwater vacation that I took with two hermit crabs to a castle on the ocean floor made of sand and shells, where we could ride seahorses and discovered a huge octopus. She was enthralled. 

The entire trip was a kind of jolt to the imagination, as visits to unfamiliar places often are. One of the craziest things that happened, was that there was a pony unicorn in my dream. That was a first.

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