Friday, May 4, 2018

May the Forth Be With You...

Three years ago, I was very disappointed that my daughter had been born two days too soon. I'd been holding out hope that she would be born on the 4th, which is Star Wars day. She would be certain to grow up a jedi had she been. Or at least, the force would be strong with her. 

I spent most of my imaginary time living in the Star Wars universe as a child. It was the first imaginary world that consumed my thoughts. It dominated my play and the stories grew within my mind. I'm still very intrigued by the Star Wars world and still spend time thinking about it, but my love of Star Wars truly stems from the impact it made on my childhood imagination. 

Stories are more than stories. Stories are what guide our thoughts, take our thinking in new directions, and shape our hopes and aspirations. Though I will never be a jedi, and never travel at hyper-speed, thanks to a universe that exists in movies, television, books, and toys, I feel like I have already been and done those things. So on this day, may the force be with you...always.

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