Friday, February 2, 2018

Wandering Through Imagined Lands

Over the past several months, or maybe even longer, I haven't written much about writing. That's mainly because I haven't been writing. It's not that I don't have the desire to write or that my imagination isn't active. It's more that my imagination is so full of stories that are fighting to come out that I can't seem to make them stay in line. Coupled with the fact that my time is pretty much spoken for, what with an active toddler, working full time, and going to graduate school.

Recently I've been able to shuffle some of those ideas into line, bullying some farther to the back and keeping a small crowd gathered near the doorway. They are fighting for position and I'm trying to keep them in line. My approach is to keep a little notepad like back in the old days. Put down some ideas and possibly build them into one. 


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